The Leasing Team
Are you kidding me! I have never meet such a bunch of pure idiots. John Shry, Cyndie Peek and Luwhwanna Lamas. I just signed a lease here at the The Montage Of Houston and they were so desperate for me to sign the lease they lied to me about the condition of the building. After moving and taking a closer look I discovered that the cabinet are made of pressboard. The wood floors the cheapest made. The hallways annd apartment units share common air which mean there is a 2 inch gap under each entry unit door which allows sound to tranfer fron the hall into you unit and vise versa. No one ever told me the A/C units don't keep the units cool enough and that the elevators continue to trap people. That the neighborhood is in the Ghetto and at night it is not safe to walk the streets. Also there is not a grocery store in the area.That's a serious liability! The power cuts out when ever there is a thunderstorm and the poorly skilled maintenance team can't even figure out why. Apparently the development group Phillips Development Realty filed bankruptcy on both towers and is one of the contributors to the economic meltdown and real estate collapse and the irresponsibility of the development group to spend the type of money (200+ million) on an area of town that can't support and not only flood the market with overpriced condos which reduces the total values of the surrounding area property.The 100 homeowners who bought in north tower out of 800 total units apparently are looking to file a class action against Corous Bank and Phillips Development Realty for not only for construction defect for the 60+ unit that received water intrusion damage during hurricane IKE and the overinflated prices for the condo units(600sf=200,000). With the real estate market in the dumps it has caused some of the homeowners to become upside down on their condo units. What has this world come to that you actually have idiot leasing teams and wanna be real estate developers in there rented planes traveling around pretending to be contributing to the community and all there doing is living off borrowed money they never intend to pay back. Here is a link to Phllips Development Realty web site and to anyone and everyone who's been affected by this poor management of this property please report all illegal activities and financial irresponsibility to the the National Wistleblowers Center
Let's hold these people liable for there lack of integrity and poor business practices. Donald Phillips,Burney Madoff, and Robert Allen Stanford have fleeced this country long enough. People it's time to take back our country and hold these people criminally responsible for there actions! We can no long afford to allow this to happen. Also don't forget to contact the Attorney Generals Office of Texas and the Better Business Bureau.
Concerned Citizen of Texas
Are you kidding me! I have never meet such a bunch of pure idiots. John Shry, Cyndie Peek and Luwhwanna Lamas. I just signed a lease here at the The Montage Of Houston and they were so desperate for me to sign the lease they lied to me about the condition of the building. After moving and taking a closer look I discovered that the cabinet are made of pressboard. The wood floors the cheapest made. The hallways annd apartment units share common air which mean there is a 2 inch gap under each entry unit door which allows sound to tranfer fron the hall into you unit and vise versa. No one ever told me the A/C units don't keep the units cool enough and that the elevators continue to trap people. That the neighborhood is in the Ghetto and at night it is not safe to walk the streets. Also there is not a grocery store in the area.That's a serious liability! The power cuts out when ever there is a thunderstorm and the poorly skilled maintenance team can't even figure out why. Apparently the development group Phillips Development Realty filed bankruptcy on both towers and is one of the contributors to the economic meltdown and real estate collapse and the irresponsibility of the development group to spend the type of money (200+ million) on an area of town that can't support and not only flood the market with overpriced condos which reduces the total values of the surrounding area property.The 100 homeowners who bought in north tower out of 800 total units apparently are looking to file a class action against Corous Bank and Phillips Development Realty for not only for construction defect for the 60+ unit that received water intrusion damage during hurricane IKE and the overinflated prices for the condo units(600sf=200,000). With the real estate market in the dumps it has caused some of the homeowners to become upside down on their condo units. What has this world come to that you actually have idiot leasing teams and wanna be real estate developers in there rented planes traveling around pretending to be contributing to the community and all there doing is living off borrowed money they never intend to pay back. Here is a link to Phllips Development Realty web site and to anyone and everyone who's been affected by this poor management of this property please report all illegal activities and financial irresponsibility to the the National Wistleblowers Center
Let's hold these people liable for there lack of integrity and poor business practices. Donald Phillips,Burney Madoff, and Robert Allen Stanford have fleeced this country long enough. People it's time to take back our country and hold these people criminally responsible for there actions! We can no long afford to allow this to happen. Also don't forget to contact the Attorney Generals Office of Texas and the Better Business Bureau.
Concerned Citizen of Texas
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